All Videos Tagged pecha (limitedwipsociety) - limitedwipsociety 2024-07-27T04:37:02Z LKCE13: Lean Meetings - 5 practical tips to avoid waste and to achieve flow in meetings (Pecha Kucha) - Markus Wittwer,2014-07-24:6474535:Video:16541 2014-07-24T06:31:57.796Z Ltd WIP Society <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="135" src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>How can we avoid waste and the build-up of inventory in a meeting? How can I as a participant of a meeting contribute to its flow even if I'm not the designated facilitator or if there isn't a designated facilitator at all? This talk is NOT about traditional facilitation techniques like "Checking of agenda points" or "dot voting" (although… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240" height="135" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />How can we avoid waste and the build-up of inventory in a meeting? How can I as a participant of a meeting contribute to its flow even if I'm not the designated facilitator or if there isn't a designated facilitator at all? This talk is NOT about traditional facilitation techniques like "Checking of agenda points" or "dot voting" (although these are useful). Rather it helps you to notice the only-a-few-second-long moments when inventory builds up and waste is introduced in a meeting.<br /> <br /> This presentation was given at Lean Kanban Central Europe 2013. LKCE13: Pay attention to this! (Pecha Kucha) Jabe Bloom,2014-07-24:6474535:Video:16462 2014-07-24T03:49:30.032Z Ltd WIP Society <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="135" src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>The pure volume of information available to individuals is overwhelming. We have to decide what is important to pay attention to, and what is meaningless noise. When we get together as groups, we explain what to pay attention to, in order to share context and therefor meaning. Cultural change, is the process of changing what we pay attention to.… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240" height="135" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />The pure volume of information available to individuals is overwhelming. We have to decide what is important to pay attention to, and what is meaningless noise. When we get together as groups, we explain what to pay attention to, in order to share context and therefor meaning. Cultural change, is the process of changing what we pay attention to.<br /> <br /> This presentation was given at Lean Kanban Central Europe 2013. LKCE13: Building Teams - We got it all wrong! (Pecha Kucha) - Pawel Brodzinski,2014-07-23:6474535:Video:16459 2014-07-23T19:53:47.119Z Ltd WIP Society <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="135" src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>Let’s talk for a short while about how we build our teams. Best technical talent that we can find. Good engineering practices. Craftsmanship. Aren’t we full of that stuff? Oh yes, we are. And that’s exactly the problem. Building software is a team sport. So the question is: what does make a team effective? Once the question is answered we… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240" height="135" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />Let’s talk for a short while about how we build our teams. Best technical talent that we can find. Good engineering practices. Craftsmanship. Aren’t we full of that stuff? Oh yes, we are. And that’s exactly the problem. Building software is a team sport. So the question is: what does make a team effective? Once the question is answered we may want to rethink the way we build our teams.<br /> <br /> This session was held at Lean Kanban Central Europe 2013 LKCE13: Learning from Fake Charts (Pecha Kucha) - Arne Roock,2014-07-22:6474535:Video:16454 2014-07-22T01:14:54.555Z Ltd WIP Society <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="135" src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>Charts can be extremely powerful. And fake charts can be even more powerful! So let‘s have a look at some charts that are completely independent from real data and see what we can learn from them!<br></br> <br></br> This presentation was given at Lean Kanban Central Europe… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240" height="135" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />Charts can be extremely powerful. And fake charts can be even more powerful! So let‘s have a look at some charts that are completely independent from real data and see what we can learn from them!<br /> <br /> This presentation was given at Lean Kanban Central Europe 2013.