What do Game of Thrones, Nordic countries and sci-fi gatherings have to do with Kanban? Meet Archipelacon, a first time sci-fi convention that will bring science fiction fans from all over the world to Finland at the Alandica Culture and Congress Center for a four-day celebration of the fantastic arts this June. The keynote speaker of the event will be now infamous author George R.R Martin of …
ContinueAdded by Monica Georgieff on June 29, 2015 at 3:30am — No Comments
Nominations are now being accepted for the Brickell Key Award 2016. The award ceremony will be held at the upcoming Lean Kanban North America conference.
Fill out the form to nominate someone to be considered: Brickell Key Awards: Call for Nominations | Lean Kanban North America
The Brickell Key Award highlights excellence in our community, honoring two people (chosen from 6 nominees) who…
Added by Ltd WIP Society on January 26, 2015 at 9:30am — No Comments
I would like to share the basic Kanban training material which I use to train my teams. This training material not only teaches the basic concepts but helps simulate it and understand it better.
Added by Vandana Roy on June 30, 2014 at 1:49pm — No Comments
Lately, I hear these questions a lot - “Is Scrum better or Kanban?”, “What is more suitable for my project - Kanban or Scrum?”. These questions and sometimes the responses to them put managers in dilemma about which framework to embrace. Each has its own benefits and tales of success stories.
What is Scrum?
Scrum Alliance defines…
ContinueAdded by Vandana Roy on June 22, 2014 at 9:59pm — No Comments
The Limited WIP Society announced today that it was changing its name -- and focus -- to The Board on the Wall Society. "It just seemed like where the market was going," said Janice Linden-Reed, administrator of the online community for fans of Lean pull systems such as Kanban.
Given the long history of proven benefits of limiting WIP (work in progress) to encourage flow and manage work, why change the name of the Limited WIP Society? "Limiting WIP seemed too hard for people to…
Added by Ltd WIP Society on April 4, 2014 at 9:28am — No Comments
Added by Justyna Laskowska on March 26, 2014 at 9:16am — No Comments
It is just over a year since my team began its transition away from Scrum using Kanban. It has seen many rewards and in my opinion it has been an unheralded success.
Seeing the successes and gains that my department has had in this transition, I frequently question why it is still a minority of software teams that even attempt this transition.
Obviously a lot of Scrum teams are getting a lot of value and producing a lot of value at high quality, so it deserved a closer…
Added by Stephen Murphy on March 6, 2014 at 8:45am — No Comments
Kanban, successfully used in the automotive industry since the 1950s, has found its way into IT via
lean production and agile software development. There, among other things, used as a visualization aid in the context of Scrum and Xtreme programming, it has found itself increasingly used in IT Operations.
Wincor Nixdorf Portavis has piloted its use for handling support ticket/ orders in database management for its North German…
ContinueAdded by Mahesh Singh on December 6, 2013 at 12:19pm — No Comments
Several months ago the Lean Systems Society set out to develop a better idea of what really happens on systems projects. We sidestepped usual research instruments like questionnaires and interviews, which are biased by the expectations of the interviewers and interviewees, in favour of an approach that drew upon unprocessed information. That approach is the sense-making method and toolset created by David Snowden and the Cognitive Edge company, and the results have been…
ContinueAdded by Karl Scotland on December 6, 2013 at 7:39am — No Comments
There's been some recent discussion about how the Kanban method is often misunderstood as a development method that could be compared to Scrum, XP, etc. For people not familiar with the Kanban method, who are already doing Scrum - it makes sense to them to try to figure out what Kanban is by trying to understand the differences.
It may be comparing apples to oranges, but people do it anyway. I recently wrote a blog post that is a "frequently asked questions" of sort about Kanban vs…
ContinueAdded by Thorbjørn Sigberg on December 3, 2013 at 1:33am — No Comments
The Kanban Kick-start Field Guide is a practical guide to help a team get in control of their current situation through the Kanban method. It gathers the experience from introducing Kanban to 50+ teams at Sandvik IT. Version 1.0 of the field guide, published under a Creative Common License, is now available. Get more details on leanagileprojects.blogspot.se…
ContinueAdded by Christophe Achouiantz on April 17, 2013 at 3:17am — No Comments
I’m relatively new in my current job — working on 6 months now. I was speaking with another manager and the conversation drifted to the first changes my team implemented after I joined. But, as every good change agent knows, before you implement changes, you have to orient and observe.
When I came aboard, my team had a sizable backlog and every feature request and bug report was assigned out to members of my team of 8. New items came in daily and items were assigned as soon as they…
ContinueAdded by Julia Wester on April 12, 2013 at 10:52pm — 1 Comment
Hi gang,
I just completed and posted the downloadable visual-notes for David's great Kanban book.
I hope you find them to be a useful and compelling reference guide.
I really enjoyed re-reading this book, for the purpose of creating these notes. And of course, I learned so much more with this second reading.
Also, I was challenged by a friend to work with some constraints to broaden my creative skills.…
ContinueAdded by Todd Clarke on March 14, 2013 at 4:54pm — 5 Comments
Hi gang,
I am re-reading the Kanban book to create my visual-one-page-summary-book-notes for this awesome read.
Thought I would share the real time development of this as I work on it over the next several nights.
You can see the first cut here.
Cheers. Todd
Added by Todd Clarke on March 6, 2013 at 10:00pm — No Comments
HI all, A newbie here to what looks like a useful set of resources. I love creating visual-one-page-summary-book notes for great books on lean and business topics. I just completed the read for Impact Mapping. It's not Kanban, but I think it's an excellent way to start off project in a visual manner. View or download my digital, visual poster describing the book and steps to create an impact map. Cheers. -Todd
Added by Todd Clarke on February 3, 2013 at 5:15am — 2 Comments
Kanban Resources website provides the online base of references to the best Kanban books, articles, blogs and presentations published by experts in Kanban methodology. Now the highest quality, up-to-date publications are available in one place.
Added by Justyna Laskowska on August 15, 2012 at 6:40am — No Comments
Written in direct collaboration with Richard Hensley (McKesson AVP).
Summary - a “fly-over” of Richard Hensley’s experience over the last three years, as he leads a lean business and product development transformation, working with business and product development leaders to “pull the quality lever” within three business units at McKesson. So how might Business and Technology peacefully co-creating look? What are some of the characteristics to key on? How…
ContinueAdded by Frank Vega on August 7, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments
In a Kanban system you introduce WIP limits at each step of the value flow. This means, that if you get stuck at any one step in the flow and things are not moving forward, then all those who operate in earlier stages of the system enter a holding pattern. If you’re explaining Kanban to managers or executives, this is usually the point that makes them take a sharp turn off of the Lean highway! They mentally write off the whole concept of Kanban because “they don’t want anyone sitting idle.”…
ContinueAdded by Julia Wester on July 27, 2012 at 9:45pm — No Comments
Kanban Library is out! :
"Understanding the basic elements of Kanban is a vital step in boosting your productivity with KanbanTool. Until now resources on Kanban have been scattered across many websites, and to help you with research, learning and sharing knowledge, we have decided to separate the wheat from the chaff and created a robust collection of links to the best resources from Kanban leaders and…
ContinueAdded by Justyna Laskowska on June 25, 2012 at 4:35am — No Comments
When I last posted on this blog, I was about to depart for the House of Mouse. Yep, DisneyWorld. The Magic Kingdom, to be precise. You might wonder why i’m blathering on about my vacation in my Kanban blog. However, an amusement park is the perfect place to find Kanban happening out in the wild. Talk about your EverydayKanban! For our case study, let’s look at roller coaster ride. But, first, a key to get our parallels drawn……
ContinueAdded by Julia Wester on April 23, 2012 at 7:42pm — No Comments
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